Porcupine looptrail
The Porcupine Loop Self-Guiding Nature Trail takes about 3 hours to complete. It is free to walk and available 24/7. You are welcome to leave your car inside our farm gate if you wish so long as you don’t block access.
The trail starts near the gate to Segaigai Farm. It climbs through forest to a viewpoint over Palapye and the Lotsane River floodplain.
There are 25 numbered stops along the way at points of interest.
To get the most from the trail you need to take a copy of the interpretive booklet with you. These are available from the Segaigai Farm office at cost (BWP50). There are also copies at some accommodations in Palapye.
The trail is very well marked with reflective markers, a feature popular with children. They can run on ahead and lead the way.
A great activity for families

The Tswapong Trails
The Tswapong Trails project aims to revive some of the old walking trails through the hills. In the days before tarred roads and motor vehicles a network of foot tracks connected the hill villages of Malaka, Lecheng, Palapye Road and Goo-Moremi, and the Makoba Lands. The tracks through the Tswapong forests are only lightly used by local people today. Old tracks to Lecheng, Malaka anLands begin near our farm, and we are gradually improving these and adding trail markers to make them suitable for self guided walkers. There are 12 km of marked trail thus far. Hiking the trails will always be free – they are on tribal land – and you can obtain maps, GPS references and trail notes at the farm. Feel free to leave your car with us, and if you feel you need a guide we can help you to find one.